me being awfully BOROS!

Oke2! I know I berbelanja like my money coming down like tap water..
New Lip Gloss --> RM15 --> coz I'm getting bored wif the old one
New purse --> RM10 --> coz the old one tearing up here and there!
New house shoes --> RM15 --> coz I dont have one ... pluss that damn salesgirl just lured me in buying one!

Other things that I bought are really2 important things
1. Sabun pencuci baju
2. Berus gigi
3. Pencuci Muka
4. Lotion badan
5. Shower gel --> berbau strawberry!
6. Milo
7. Maggi
8. Quacker Oat
9. Tudung --> coz I messed up 3 of my finest tudung that I ever had.. huhu :(
10. Food food food...

See... not that bad at all!

"Especially in times like these, it's very important for find other ways [than shopping] to make themselves feel better, whether it's tantric methods, meditation, Chinese balls, or bubble baths—just do what will not break the bank," says Ken McDonnell, program director at the American Savings Education Council.

Ya riteeee.... I dun have a bath tub!

Plus I am not really in a good mood lately.. and I need entertainment before I completely go bonkers! Seriously... why is it some people are completely clueless? I have this imagination to completely spank a few people directly in the face! YEW! *hentak2 kaki* I wish I could be as scheming as Betty Sharp.

Owh dear God! Am I not a good friend?? *tepok dahi*


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